
Comune di Venezia
Ente Zona
Istituto Cavanis
Provincia di Venezia
OnLine Data
Ente Zona Industriale di Porto Margera

The Ente della Zona Industriale di Porto Marghera is a free association among companies operating in Marghera made up to tackle economic and technical questions and to improve and develop the harbor and the industrial zone. This association aims: (1) to study the problems interesting this zone and the industries placed here; to safeguard the firms operating within the industrial area of Porto Marghera and those associated to them; (2) to promote initiatives, also in consortium form, for safeguarding the industrial area and for a more useful implementation of it; (3) to improve the general conditions, the infrastructures and the public services in Marghera; (4) to safeguard the environment; (5) to promote collaborations with Organizations interested in the purposes listed above.
Among the interventions realized with regards to environment there is the Air Quality Monitoring Network. It started working in 1974 with 21 stations for the ongoing survey of sulfur dioxide, and it was supplied with a mobile laboratory for the measurement of other parameters that were: nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, particulates and hydrogen sulfide. 3 stations are placed in the historical center o Venice, 1 in Mestre and 1 in Marghera for acting as guards of pollution in the inner-cites. A remarkable importance on the net installation was given to the real time knowledge of the meteorological conditions (wind speed e direction, barometric pressure, temperature, humidity) to be connected with the situation of air pollution near ground; therefore 3 meteorological stations were been placed as well. In 1992 the net was completely renewed in order: (1) to replace the old instruments with others that were abreast with the technology; to reposition the survey and analysis automatic stations basing on gathered experiences; (2) to increase the range of analyzed parameters adding nitrogen oxides, particulate, hydrocarbons and ozone to sulfur dioxide; (3) to substitute the hardware and software of the calculus center to guarantee better systems of archiving, data processing and simulation.

The values of air pollutants and meteorological parameters concentrations, with regards to all the net measurement stations, are available at the Ente Zona's archives starting from 1974.
Data requests have to be addressed to: Ente Zona Industriale di Porto Marghera Via Della Pila, 19 30175 Porto Marghera (Ve) tel 041.932686 fax 041.937572

The Ente Zona Industriale di Porto Marghera, subscribing the proposal of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti to constitute an Environmental Database, makes available on Internet all the meteorological hourly measurements collected in the following stations of its Air Quality Monitoring Network:

STATIONS: 1, 5, 8,13, 22, 23.

Map of the Stations


1, 5, 8,
13, 22, 23

Map of the Stations