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Copy-right : Who uses the data of these archives must quote in full the source: Author o Organization, date, title, url.

This Database has been developed by the Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti as a part of its effort in promoting and diffusing scientific knowledge about Venice and its lagoon.
The original kernel of the Database was born around the local meteorological data, reconstructed starting from 1900. Following extensions and the SLV Web Site realization have incorporated the results of the work of many scientists operating in the area and are the outcome of collaborations with the major Organizations operating in enviromental field.
The archives are currently divided into six sections: the Data section contains measures carried out by research and service operators; the Models section collects definitions, diagrams and models used for studies and simulations; the Images section contains maps and images of the lagoon; the Regulation section reports laws, as well as research announcements and projects concerning Venice; the Documents section collects different kind of works (articles, reports, videos, degree and PhD thesis, and more); the Dissemination section proposes general and specific information and means for supporting didactics.
All contents are free access and are made available for inclusion in the Atlas of the Lagoon of the Municipality of Venice, with which the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti has signed a collaboration agreement.

Thanks: this bank uses some financial contribution of MURST and CORILA, and of the collaboration of the center of calculation of the University Ca' Foscari in Venice.

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Versione Italiana