- Agenzia per la Protezione dell'Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici
was instituted by the art. 38 of the D.lgs. 300/99 and carried out
tasks and technical-scientific activities of national interest in
order to protect environment, water resources, and soil. The APAT
toke on the competences attributed to the Department for National
the Technical Services of the Prime Minister's Office, with the
exception of those of the National Seismic Service.
Dipartimento delle acque interne e marine
Servizio Laguna di Venezia
Such Office had taken the competences of the Ufficio Idrografico
e Mareografico since 2002, acquiring its functions as concerns the
monitoring of the sea level on the Lagoons of Venice and Marano-Grado
and on the North Adriatic coast.
Then APAT merged into ISPRA, the National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, established by the Law 133/2008.
Into ISPRA also merged the Mareographic Service, which provides the Web portal IDROMAR that allows to make an immediate
data analysis selecting a location through the drop-down menu or
the interactive map, making an advanced analysis in the section
Data Analysis, having information about Networks Structures of the
Marigraphic Service, reading scientific articles and making a registration
to reach portal advanced functionalities.