The School will take place in Venice in June 10-17, 2011 and will be organized around a set of three cycles of lectures of four units each and a series of topical lectures. Attendees will also be engaged in focused group work, co-ordinated by each lecturer and by appointed assistants. The objective of the group work is to foster the interaction with the lecturers and among attendees specifically toward the production of a scientific paper to be finalized through coordinated efforts after the end of the School.
Lecturers and lectures

Michael Ghil
Michael Ghil is Professor of Geosciences and Director of CERES-ERTI École Normale Supérieure (Paris); he is also Distinguished Professor of Climate Dynamics, UCLA
For more information:
Topic: Data Assimilation in Atmosphere, the Ocean and in the Coupled Climate System
1. Introduction and early developments in meteorology and oceanography
2. Recent developments and novel areas of application
Robert Gurney
Robert Gurney is ESSC Director, University of Reading
For more information:
Topic: Earth Observation for Hydrology and the Biogeosciences
1. The Environmental Virtual Observatory
2. Earth Observation for Hydrology and Biogeosciences
Timothy Lenton
Tim Lenton is Professor of Earth System Science at University of East Anglia
For more information:
Topic: Life-driven Transformations of the Earth System
1. Planetary habitability and Gaia
2. The oxygen revolution
3. The complexity revolution
4. The anthropocene revolution? |
Francois Taiani
Francois Taiani is Specialist Schemes Tutor at Lancaster University
For more information:
Topic: Cloud Computing in the Biogeosciences
1. Computing and Distribution: Understanding The Roots of The Cloud
2. Cloud Computing Fundamentals
3. Case Study: The Google Cloud
4. The Cloud Applied to Environmental Sciences: The pEVO Project |
Topical seminars |
Stuart Daines
Senior Research Associate, University of East Anglia
For more information:
Topic: Modelling Adaptation and Evolution in the Marine Ecosystem
Andrea Rinaldo
Full Professor, University of Padova; Laboratory of Ecohydrology Director, EPFL
For more information:
Topic: Hydrological drivers and anthropic controls of certain biological invasions