In collaboration with
Duke University (U.S.A.)
ESSC, Reading (U.K.)
ISAC-CNR, Turin (I)
MIT (U.S.A.)
University of Padua (I)
Biological and climate processes:
coupled dynamics and scales of interaction
Venice, June 11-18 2010
Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti,
Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti
Admitted Applicants
Deadline for application was 30 April, 2010
The School will take place in Venice in June 11-18 2010 and will be organized around a set of three cycles of lectures of four units each and a series of topical lectures. Attendees will also be engaged in focused group work, co-ordinated by each lecturer and by appointed assistants. The objective of the group work is to foster the interaction with the lecturers and among attendees specifically toward the production of a scientific paper to be finalized through coordinated efforts after the end of the School.
Lecturers and lectures

Michael Ghil
Michael Ghil is Professor of Geosciences and Director of CERES-ERTI École Normale Supérieure (Paris); he is also Distinguished Professor of Climate Dynamics, UCLA
For more information:
Topic: Climate dynamics and dynamical systems: Theory and data analysis
1. Climate dynamics for biologists
2. Boolean delay equations (BDEs) for complex, coupled systems
3. Advanced spectral methods for climatic and ecological time series
4. Random dynamical systems (RDS) as a modeling and predictive tool
Gabriel G. Katul
Gabriel G. Katul is Professor of Hydrology and Micrometeorology
Nicholas School of the Environment - Duke University (Durham)
For more information:
Topic: The coupled carbon-water cycle in the terrestrial biosphere
1. Lessons from the Past: Climate, Renewable Resources, and the 'Collapse' in Easter Island
2. Eco-physiology of leaf transpiration and photosynthesis
3. Up-scaling from the leaf to the canopy using radiative transfer schemes and canopy turbulence theories
4. Going on a limb to the continental and globe scales – A look at contemporary issues in the global and continental scale coupled carbon-water cycles
Daniel Rothman
Daniel Rothman is Professor of Geophysics in MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS)
For more information:
Topic: Earth's Carbon Cycle, Past and Present
1. Disordered Kinetics in Earth's Carbon Cycle
I. Universal features of respiration, from forests to marine sediments
2. Disordered Kinetics in Earth's Carbon Cycle
II. Long times, older ages, and lognormal rates
3. Singular Blow-up at the Permian-Triassic Boundary
4. Biogeochemical Dynamics Coevolving with Complex Life |
Topical seminars |
David Claessen
Assistant professor, École Normale Supérieure (Paris)
For more information:
Topic: Climate-ecology feedbacks and the role of evolutionary dynamics
Stefan Dekker
Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
For more information:
Christopher Follett
PhD Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For more information:
Robert Gurney
ESSC Director, University of Reading For more information:
Alexandra Konings
PhD Student, Duke University
For more information:
