The 2012 Summer School
is sponsored by
UK Natural Environment Research Council
University of Padova
The biophysical processes that shape the Earth
Venice, June 08-15 2012
Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti,
Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti
Admitted applicants
Deadline for applications
April 30th, 2012
Presentation |
The themes of the School
The Earth System is both complicated, as it is composed of many different constituents, and complex, as these parts interact through strongly nonlinear feedback loops. Among the various components at play, the biosphere is one of the leading actors, as it determines many of the basic processes that control the overall dynamics of the system. The Summer School on Biogeodynamics and Earth System Sciences (BESS) addresses the scientific issues posed by a deep understanding of the coupled dynamics of biotic and abiotic component of the Earth System, e.g. related to climate-biosphere interactions, the bio-geomoprhic processes that shape the landscape, the two-way interaction between atmospheric and biospheric processes at the surface. |
Participants will be organized in working Groups to produce a time-limited research project under the coordination of a Lecturer. The working groups are meant as an opportunity for young scientists to interact with top scientists (i.e. the invited international Lecturers) possibly towards joint publications. The work may consist in analyzing data (possibly available through the Internet or made available by the lecturers for the purpose) or propose theoretical models of relevance to the overarching topic of the School. Further work (e.g. to finalize and submit a scientific paper) will be managed online after the end of the school and will be organized by an appointed assistant to the lecturer, who will also coordinate follow-up activities and paper submission. While by no means the joint research endeavors are meant as compulsory, it is in the tradition of previous Schools to encourage cooperation borne as an outgrowth of the School’s Lectures. In the past, peer-reviewed papers have appeared in mainstream literature that specifically acknowledged the Working Groups of past Schools. |
Tuition, Registration Fee & Lodging
The Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti has reserved in advance a sizable number of twin rooms in a suitable hostel in the immediate neighborhood of Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, in the heart of Venice. Therefore applicants are required to provide a flat registration fee of 600 € (six hundred Euros) that covers lodging, while subsistence will be provided by the Organizers during School activities. IVSLA also provide access to technical material and scientific documents. Proposals for room sharing will be appreciated.

