
  Comune di Venezia
  Provincia di Venezia

Agenzia Regionale Per l'Ambiente - A.R.P.A.V.

The acronym A.R.P.A.V. stands for Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention in the Veneto. ARPAV was founded by the Regional Law number 32, on the eighteenth of October 1996, " protect, control and recover the environment and to promote and protect collective health making integrated and coordinated use of resources with the aim of reaching maximum efficiency in marking out and removing all factors that put man and his environment at risk"; it began its activity on the third of October 1997.
ARPAV is divided into a Central Department, seven Provincial Departments, and three Specialized Centres. The Central Department has three functional areas: the administrative area; the technical - scientific area (that includes the Air Observatory); the research and information area.

ARPAV has been assigned the properties and staff of PMP (the Multi-zonal Prevention Centres) and of the ULSS Prevention Services, limited to the functions attributed to ARPAV. In addition, the goods and staff of the Regional Provincial, and Municipal authorities pass to the Agency.
Furthermore, the Regional Centres of Teolo, Arabba, and Castelfranco are assigned to ARPAV.

Map of the Stations