
  Comune di Venezia
  Provincia di Venezia

Comune di Venezia

Direzione Ambiente e Sicurezza del Territorio

Within the Municipality of Venice, the sector "Environment Management and Security of the territory" is responsible for the territorial management. It performs the following functions: monitoring and preventing environmental risk, implementation of strategies for environmental reclamation and development of green areas, implementation of ecological strategies for protection of water, air, and soil, as well as animal protection, energy saving, planning of integrated water service, civil protection and security connected with industrial risks safety in workplace, evaluation of environmental impact, environmental education and control of activities in natural oasis.

Among the initiatives proposed by the Municipality in order to make available the knowledge of the territory is "Territory on line", an Internet / Intranet environment created by an interdepartmental working group into the Municipal Land Information System, which collects and integrates geo-referenced data produced by several Offices, for the interactive viewing by professionals, citizens and municipal technicians.

Another office belonging to this sector, and performing archival and dissemination functions, is the Observatory of the Lagoon and the Land, which made a Lagoon Atlas with the assistance of the CNR and other institutes engaged in studying the Lagoon of Venice. The Atlas collects environmental information concerning the lagoon ecosystem as a whole and represented in map form, with the purpose to make it accessible to all: public decision makers, researchers, professionals, ordinary citizens.